installative painting

Atlas Inconcluso, 2022-23, is a digital collage using images from Fernandez' landscape paintings and  monoprints. Variable measurements. Commissioned for Atlas Inconcluso, a 3 part group show of  contemporary notions of the Venezuelan landscape. First shown at ABRA CARACAS in 2022. Also included in 238/ARTURO, curated by Elizabeth Marin, March-April 2023 at Espacio Proyecto Libertad,  Merida, Venezuela

Casa con Vista 1.0 is the first version of a fully folding and storable crate on castor wheels, that would be possible to move, store and  open  anywhere. Comprises a flat packed and folding high back chair and coffee table, and a Fernandez's oval oil painting, Blue No4 (2015. H130 W84 D2cm). Commissioned and first shown at CASA X EXHIBITION, from a collective of curatorial studies alumni from CSMartins. At UK Mexican Arts Society Gallery, now Somers Gallery, London

Most recent works are still proposals, such as Artist Made Shelter for Man Made Tragedies such as Genocide. The large diptych already exists yet Fernandez envisages showing this complex work as a free standing structure with a tent-like projection at the back (truly a place that would be like a shelter, a refuge of calm, beauty, comfort and safety)

Very recent works such as the My Social Media feed on Ink, hang like banners and are meant to disrupt the space from above and back to back.

Menacing Beauty is not a painting but a paper sculpture and a direct result of working almost exclusively with paper for 3 years (during the making of the ATC Series of large charcoal drawings )

With Many Thanks to John Moore and Acquaintances is a work linked to older yet relevant body of work (About Soldiers and Camouflage) that is still ongoing on the back Fernandez's mind. Based on a diptych long destroyed _and reused to make Artist Made Shelter,,,) it comprises wall and floor pieces that are life size and seek to become almost invisible due to its complexity. Incidentally, John Moore is a real person, a Territorial Army reservist friend of Fernandez. The original large painting is based on a  photograph stolen - or appropriated- by Fernandez - of John Moore and friends, posing with their lethal weapons in a football team like formation, in Basra, circa 2004.

Concupicencia, a proposal for a large digital collage showing an array of tropical flowers and foliage., with some of the flowers silhouetted in white. Based n a large pastel drawing, Fernandez envisages this work only as a custom made wall paper of very large dimensions. The missing flowers represent the many Venezuelans, or so many many peope from other parts of he Global South, forced to leave their country for destinations unknown, in search of better living conditions. Fernandez is very much aware of the impact that the illegal sanctions imposed on the Venezuela regime by the USA impact on the daily lives of her fellow Venezuelans. Without ignoring the many faults of the actual regime that hangs onto power in her country, the sanctions, imposed to force a regime change, like in many other parts of the world, such a Cuba and Iran, Venezuela hasn’t invaded or started a war with any other nations. The real impact is felt on her fellow Country men and women.